CASE STUDY: Rigid Thermoformed
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TYSON® PREMIUM CHUNK CHICKEN SALAD KIT // A Complete Lunch In the Palm of Your Hand
Not everyone has time to make lunch before they go to work. But that doesn’t mean they don’t want something fresh, tasty, and made to their liking when it comes to break time. Tyson wanted to give the time-sensitive consumer a smart and customizable, high-protein lunchtime option.

For the Tyson® Premium Chunk Chicken Salad Kit, we developed a compact, portable solution that securely holds the chicken, mayonnaise, pickle relish, and even a spoon. At lunch or break time, consumers can mix their chicken salad just the way they want it—a little mayo with lots of relish, or vice versa. We built in a spot to include crackers, too. This high-protein lunch or snack is shelf stable, so we used high-clarity PET to create a container that conveniently serves as both a mixing and a serving device. This do-it-yourself meal-on-the-run has proven especially popular with female consumers.